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Webinar om implementering av «Global standard for safe listening venues and events»

30. jun 2022
2:00 pm

Fungerende daglig leder i Kulturrom, Kjetil F. Wevling blir med i panelet for å diskutere en global standard for trygg lyd på arrangement.  Webinaret arrangeres av WHO.


Fra WHO:

On World Hearing Day 2022, the World Health Organization launched the ‘Global standard for safe listening venues and events’ under the theme “To hear for life, listen with care!”. The standard recommends six features of safe listening venues and events to minimize the risk of hearing loss for audience members and those working at such places.

This standard forms a part of WHO’s Make Listening Safe initiative that aims to realize a world where no one’s hearing is put at risk due to unsafe recreational listening practices. This is a vital focus area as it is estimated that more than one billion people are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe recreational listening practices (World Report on Hearing, 2021).

To promote implementation of the Global standard for safe listening venues and events, it is proposed to have a webinar with the following objectives:
• Review the features of safe listening venues and events
• Highlight and inform of implementation success stories
• Provide the opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities

Date and time: 30th June 2022 2pm CET

Participants: Member state legislators for environmental noise protection, Audio Engineering advocacy groups, Ear health advocacy groups, venue owners.